Sustainable Forestry

Sustainable Lumber Products

Minimizing Waste, Maximizing Yield

At Parton Lumber, we’re always looking for ways to use our resources so that we maximize our yield while minimizing our waste. Band mills are used in order to saw the logs that come into the mill. These saws have a very narrow kerf, meaning that they take off very little wood with each cut that’s made, resulting in less waste. During the milling process, leftover slabs are chipped and used by the paper industry, sawdust is used to fuel our boilers, planer shavings are accumulated and sold, and bark is ground into mulch that is used for landscaping purposes.

Our company will continue to seek out ways to provide top of the line forest products while maintaining the integrity of the environment. With Parton Lumber, you can rest assured that you will be receiving the highest quality products, while also supporting sustainable environmental practices.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Parton Lumber is certified to the SFI® standard (SFI-00127). We are proud to be part of a program whose participants plant 650 million trees every year, have invested more than one billion dollars in sustainable forestry research since 1995, and manage for wildlife, soil and water values across more than 300 million acres in North America. We’re proud to be part of the SFI program, and ready to help our customers source responsible forest products. Find out more at